If you missed the webinar last week, you missed a very good one – Tackling The Growing Rise Of Company Healthcare Costs. We had 164 registrants from across the country and have already received inquiries from some of them. Also, the survey comments were extraordinary.
The agenda included:
- Promoting a solutions-oriented approach to drive down costs and expenditure
- Assessing fiduciary responsibilities through forward-thinking business acumen
- Exploring alternatives to managing your health plan reflective of long-term goals
- Achieving measurable financial performance outcomes and significant rewards
The speakers included:
- Ray Bowman, Senior VP of MarineMax – the world’s largest yacht and boat retailer and approximately 1,650 employees.
- Nick Porter, Vice President Total Rewards of Signature HealthCARE – one of the largest post-acute care operators in the US and approximately 15,000 employees.
- Woody Waters, EVP Imagine Health
Ray and Nick went through their story and how they have transformed their health plan from a traditional PPO to Reference Based Pricing (RBP), and why they made the move. You’ll hear about the “black box” of insurance companies and why their companies weren’t supported by them because of the insurance company self-interests or lack of interest.
Woody spoke about fiduciary responsibilities that every employer has – just like an employer has with the retirement plans.
Finally, Ray and Nick went through the financial savings that they’ve achieved over the years and what they’ve done to actually improve their plans and lower employee contributions and out-of-pocket expenses.
You can view the entire 60-minute webinar here. You will be asked to register and then you’ll be redirected to the on-demand version. It’s worth the 60-minute view!
If you’d like to learn more about what you can do for your company and your employees, please reach out to me and we can talk. You can reach me at [email protected] or call me at (970) 349–7707.
I look forward to hearing from you!