We Specialize In Custom Self-Funded Health Care Plans
At Strategic Healthplan Consulting LLC, we help business owners save 20% to 50% on health insurance costs by offering unbundled programs, keeping the same benefits for a drastically lower cost.

What We Do
We create custom, unbundled health care plans for businesses. Our company offers affordable, sustainable, and easy-to-understand options for you. However, please keep in mind that we are not insurance agents, which means we do not work for an insurance company. We are specialists in health care benefits and we work for you. In fact, we compete against insurance companies to win lower health care costs by 20% to 50% for our clients.
What Sets Us Apart
At Strategic Healthplan Consulting LLC, we do not take commissions from insurance companies. Instead, our clients pay a small fee on a per-employee and per-month basis for our services. If your health care costs go up or down, we do not raise or lower our fee. This means we are constantly looking for the best deals for you. Unlike your insurance agent, we are not incentivized when your costs go up.
Get Started
If you could drop your health care costs by a third or more, what would you do with that money? Would you invest in inventory? People? Equipment? Marketing? Growth? Watch our free informational webinar or keep reading to get a good grasp of how we can help you.